Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

Written by: Kelly Donovan

Almond milk in moderation is safe for dogs to have, but almond milk is not recommended for dogs to consume regularly. 

Almond milk is available in almost any store and can often keep for longer than regular animal milk, making it a great option when you’re in a pinch and need something for your furry friend. 

In some cases, almond milk can contain harmful ingredients for dogs, so pet owners should always check the ingredients. Continue reading to find out how much almond milk your dog can have and what ingredients to avoid. 

Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

As almond milk has become increasingly popular for human consumption, there has been an increase in the types of almond milk available. Although some almond milk is suitable for dogs, some can contain toxic ingredients that can hurt your pup.

Unsweetened Almond Milk

If you’re wondering if your dog can drink almond milk, the answer is most likely yes.

Thankfully, unsweetened almond milk is usually safe for dogs to consume. This is because the list of ingredients should only consist of almonds and water!

Dogs may consume plain unsweetened almond milk in moderation, as a snack, or an ingredient in some dog treats.

Sweetened Almond Milk

When it comes to sweetened almond milk, things get a little trickier. 

If your almond milk happens to have any artificial sweeteners (which nearly every sweetened and flavored almond milk does), you should consider it unsafe for your dog.

These sweeteners, especially Xylitol, can be incredibly dangerous for your dog, and in large amounts, even cause death.

can dogs have almond milk

Can Puppies Have Almond Milk?

Puppies should not have almond milk. 

Although unsweetened almond milk in small amounts will not hurt your puppy, puppies should only have a diet that consists of their mother’s milk- no other types of milk- until they are old enough to eat real food.

If you find yourself with a puppy that may be in the weaning stage, know that they will not get any extra nutritional benefits from any other type of milk other than their mother’s.

Although almond and soy milk are frequently used as alternatives to animal milk for dogs, they do not provide the nutritional benefits puppies need, and cannot be used as a good alternative to their mother’s milk.

Is Almond Milk Safe for Dogs?

Unsweetened almond milk is safe for dogs to consume in moderation.

If you are unsure what kind of almond milk your dog has consumed, check the ingredients to make sure that the almond milk does not have any artificial sweeteners or other harmful ingredients.

Homemade vs. Store-Bought Almond Milk For Dogs

Although store-bought almond milk is easily accessible, many can contain extra ingredients that may be harmful to your dog.

Homemade almond milk has many great benefits, including the fact that you control the ingredients.

This means that you can make almond milk from almonds and water, and have peace of mind in knowing that those are the only two ingredients going into your almond milk.

Unsweetened almond milk is safe for dogs to consume, but if you’re worried about extra ingredients it may contain, making almond milk at home is a safe and great way to ensure your dog will not get sick with this milk alternative.

can dogs drink almond milk

How Much Almond Milk Can Dogs Have?

There’s no real measurement of exactly how much almond milk a dog can have, but it should be given to them in moderation.

Almond milk does not include many nutritional benefits for your dog that they can’t get from their normal diet, so almond milk should be given to them as a treat or as an ingredient baked into their favorite dog treats.

The nutritional value of the almond milk you have will entirely depend on who produced it.

This is because every brand is going to have a different amount of minerals, sweeteners, fat content, fiber, concentration of almonds, and calories included in their milk.

When choosing what almond milk to buy your dog, you should always go for plain unsweetened almond milk that only contains water and almonds.

Not only that, but you should look for milk that contains a concentration of more than ten percent almonds.

Dogs should not consume any almond milk at all with any artificial sweeteners or other toxic ingredients. If you find that your dog may have consumed almond milk with those ingredients, they should be taken to the vet right away.

Benefits of Almond Milk for Dogs

Although almond milk isn’t recommended for regular consumption, it does have quite a few health benefits that help when using it as an ingredient in dog treats or given to them as an occasional snack. 

Almond milk contains high levels of vitamin E, a vitamin known for removing unsafe free radicals from your pup’s body. This, therefore, increases their immune system, ensuring that your pup stays healthy for long periods, avoiding getting sick. 

Additionally, almond milk also has calcium, a great mineral that helps your dog’s joints and bones stay healthy and strong. On top of that, magnesium and phosphorus are also present in almond milk, providing the same benefit. 

Benefits of Almond Milk for Dogs

Downsides of Almond Milk For Dogs

Almond milk can be a great treat for your pup, but it does have its downsides.

Almond milk is not super nutritional, and your dog will not get many more nutritional benefits than they would with their normal diet.

Additionally, if you’re buying any sweetened almond milk, you’ll likely find that many of them come with many more ingredients than unsweetened almond milk. One of the ingredients you may find is xylitol, an artificial sweetener that can be incredibly toxic for dogs. 

Even in small amounts, xylitol can have horrible effects on your dog, as it can put your pup at risk for liver failure, hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, or even, in extreme cases, death. 

Although a small amount of unsweetened almond milk is fine for your dog, and even sometimes included in recipes for DIY dog treats, it should not become a staple in your dog’s diet. 

What To Do If Your Dog Has Too Much Almond Milk

If your dog drinks almond milk, the first thing you should do is look at the ingredient list to ensure that there were no harmful ingredients included.

If you find that they have consumed unsweetened almond milk, there is no need to worry. This is considered harmless to dogs, as there are no real additives included.

However, if you find that your dog has consumed almond milk with artificial sweeteners, especially xylitol, you should contact your vet immediately.

is almond milk safe for dogs

Why Can Dogs Have Almond Milk But Not Almonds?

One of the reasons you may have been wondering if dogs can have almond milk is because there has been talk for a long time that dogs should never eat nuts. Surprisingly, this is not because they are allergic to them, but rather because they are a choking hazard.

Dogs happen to have a teeth structure that cannot chew nuts into small enough pieces for them to be digestible. Because of this, they can be a choking hazard to your furry friend and should be avoided altogether.

When it comes to nut milk, the nuts have been well incorporated into water and well mixed, making them more digestible for your pup.


Can Dogs Have Unsweetened Almond Milk?

Dogs can have unsweetened almond milk! If you are at a grocery store looking for good almond milk for your dog, try finding one with as few ingredients as possible. Almond milk should only have two- water and almonds!

Can Dogs Have Vanilla Almond Milk?

No, dogs should not have vanilla flavored almond milk. These products typically include artificial flavors that aren’t safe for dogs. Always check the ingredients of the almond milk before giving it to your pet.

Can Dogs Have Chocolate Almond Milk?

Do not give your dog chocolate almond milk, or any type of chocolate for that matter. Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine, which is difficult for dogs to metabolize and can even be toxic.

Can Dogs Have Almond Milk Yogurt?

Dogs can eat almond milk yogurt, as long as it is a lactose-free yogurt option. You should also remember to only get them plain yogurt, as flavored varieties can have excess additives, including xylitol and excess sugar that can cause your dog harm.

Can Dogs Have Almond Milk Ice Cream?

Dongs can have almond-milk based ice cream depending on the other ingredients. If you don’t know what ingredients are in the ice cream, it’s better to be safe and avoid giving it to your dog.

About the Author

Kelly Donovan is a freelance writer. She enjoys helping people reach their wellness goals by educating them about how food plays a role in their health.