Almond Milk vs. Hemp Milk

Almond milk and hemp milk are two popular plant-based milk alternatives that have gained significant popularity among health enthusiasts.

Both types of milk are dairy-free, lactose-free, and suitable for vegans and people with lactose intolerance.

Almond milk is made by blending almonds with water and straining the mixture to remove the solids. It has a creamy texture and a slightly nutty flavor.

On the other hand, hemp milk is made by blending hemp seeds with water and straining the mixture to remove the solids. It has a thinner consistency and a slightly earthy and nutty flavor.

While both types of milk are nutritious and offer several health benefits, they differ in their nutritional content, taste, and texture.

In this article, we will compare and contrast almond milk vs. hemp milk, examining their nutritional value, health benefits, and potential drawbacks. We will also explore which type of milk may be better suited for certain dietary needs and preferences.

Nutritional Comparison

When it comes to choosing between almond milk and hemp milk, it is important to consider their nutritional profiles. 

Both plant-based milk alternatives offer unique benefits, but they also have some differences in terms of their calorie and nutrient content.

Calories and Macronutrients

In terms of calories, both almond milk and hemp milk are relatively low in calories compared to cow's milk.

A cup of unsweetened almond milk contains around 30-40 calories, while a cup of unsweetened hemp milk contains around 70-80 calories.

However, it is important to note that sweetened versions of these plant-based milk alternatives can contain significantly more calories.

When it comes to macronutrients, both almond milk and hemp milk are low in protein compared to cow's milk.

A cup of unsweetened almond milk contains only 1 gram of protein, while a cup of unsweetened hemp milk contains around 2-3 grams of protein.

However, both almond milk and hemp milk are rich in healthy fats. Almond milk contains primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, while hemp milk contains a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Vitamins and Minerals

In terms of vitamins and minerals, both almond milk and hemp milk are fortified with important nutrients.

A cup of unsweetened almond milk typically contains around 45-50% of the daily recommended intake of calcium, while a cup of unsweetened hemp milk typically contains around 30-40% of the daily recommended intake of calcium.

Both almond milk and hemp milk are also rich in vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant.

However, there are some differences in the vitamin and mineral content of almond milk and hemp milk.

Almond milk is a good source of vitamin D, which is important for bone health and immune function.

Hemp milk, on the other hand, is a good source of magnesium, which is important for muscle and nerve function, as well as iron, which is important for oxygen transport in the body.

Overall, both almond milk and hemp milk can be healthy alternatives to cow's milk, but they do have some differences in terms of their nutritional content. It is important to choose the milk alternative that best meets your individual nutritional needs and preferences.

Health Benefits

Both almond milk and hemp milk offer several health benefits, making them a great alternative to dairy milk. Here are some of the benefits of each:

Almond Milk Benefits

Almond milk is low in calories and fat, making it an excellent choice for people who are trying to lose weight.

It is also a good source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from damage. Additionally, almond milk is rich in calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth.

One cup of almond milk contains approximately:

  • 30-40 calories
  • 2.5-3 grams of fat
  • 1 gram of protein
  • 1 gram of fiber
  • 300-450 mg of calcium
  • 25% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin D

Hemp Milk Benefits

Hemp milk is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for brain health.

It is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium.

Additionally, hemp milk is a good source of protein, making it an excellent choice for vegans and vegetarians.

One cup of hemp milk contains approximately:

  • 70-80 calories
  • 4-5 grams of fat
  • 2-3 grams of protein
  • 1 gram of fiber
  • 300-450 mg of calcium
  • 25% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin D

Overall, both almond milk and hemp milk offer several health benefits. While almond milk is lower in calories and fat, hemp milk is a great source of essential fatty acids and protein.

Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on your personal preferences and nutritional needs.

Taste and Texture

When it comes to taste and texture, both Almond Milk and Hemp Milk have their unique characteristics.

Almond Milk Taste and Texture

Almond Milk has a smooth and creamy texture, which is one of the reasons for its popularity. The flavor is nutty and slightly sweet, making it a great addition to smoothies, cereals, and coffee.

Some people find the taste of almond milk to be too mild, especially when compared to cow's milk.

Having said that, it is important to note that the taste and texture of almond milk can vary depending on the brand and the method of production.

Hemp Milk Taste and Texture

Hemp Milk has a nutty and earthy flavor, which is quite distinct from the taste of almond milk. The texture is thinner and less creamy than almond milk, which some people might find off-putting.

It’s worth noting that hemp milk is a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for overall health. Hemp milk is also a great option for people who are lactose intolerant or have nut allergies.

When it comes to taste and texture, it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Some people might prefer the creaminess of almond milk, while others might prefer the nutty flavor of hemp milk. It is important to note that both types of milk can be used in a variety of recipes, from smoothies to baked goods.

In conclusion, both Almond Milk and Hemp Milk have their unique taste and texture.

While almond milk is creamier and has a mild, nutty flavor, hemp milk has a nutty and earthy flavor with a thinner texture. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference and dietary needs.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to environmental impact, both almond milk and hemp milk have their pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at each.

Almond Milk

Almond milk has become a popular choice for those looking for a dairy alternative. However, almond milk production requires a significant amount of water. In fact, it takes about 23 gallons of water to produce just one cup of almond milk.

This is significantly more than other plant-based milks like soy, oat, or rice milk.

Additionally, almond trees are heavily reliant on bees for pollination, and the increased demand for almond milk has led to concerns about the impact on bee populations.

On the positive side, almond milk production generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to dairy milk.

A 2018 study estimated that producing a glass of dairy milk results in almost three times more greenhouse gas emissions than producing any plant-based milk.

Hemp Milk

Compared to almond milk, hemp milk has a lower environmental impact. Hemp plants require less water than almond trees, and they can be grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides.

Additionally, hemp plants have deep roots that help improve soil structure and prevent soil erosion.

Hemp milk also has a lower carbon footprint compared to almond milk.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford found that producing a glass of almond milk generates about three times more greenhouse gas emissions than producing a glass of hemp milk.

Overall, while both almond milk and hemp milk have their environmental pros and cons, hemp milk seems to have a lower impact.

However, it's important to note that there are other factors to consider when choosing a plant-based milk, such as taste, nutritional value, and availability.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to choosing between almond milk and hemp milk, cost is an important factor to consider. Here's a breakdown of the cost comparison between these two plant-based milk alternatives:

Almond Milk

The cost of almond milk varies depending on the brand, size, and location. On average, a 32-ounce carton of almond milk costs around $2.50 to $3.50. If you opt for organic or specialty brands, the price can be as much as $8 per carton.

Hemp Milk

The cost of hemp milk is generally higher than almond milk due to the cost of hemp seeds.

On average, a 32-ounce carton of hemp milk costs around $4 to $5. Organic or specialty brands can cost up to $6 to $7 per carton.