When it comes to picking the right milk, there is no shortage of options these days, and it can get a little confusing between the many variations of cow's milk, plant milk, nut milk, and seed milk.
Oat milk and macadamia milk are two popular choices, but you may be wondering, what do these kinds of milk offer, how do they differ, and which one is right for you?
Oat milk vs. macadamia milk: oat milk is, of course, made from oats while macadamia milk is made from macadamia nuts. Both are vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, and naturally sugar-free. However, while they may seem quite similar, they offer different health benefits and nutritional value.
If you want to learn everything there is to know about oat milk and macadamia milk, keep reading!
We are going to discuss their nutritional value, ingredients, taste, and the pros and cons of each option.
By the end of this article, you will be an oat and macadamia milk expert, and you can confidently decide for yourself which option is best for you!
How Are Oat & Macadamia Milk Made?
Before we jump into the many details of oat and macadamia milk, it’s important that you understand what these types of milk are made of and how they are made.
Oat milk is made from oats. While various brands use different types of oats, any variation will do the trick. They are soaked in water, blended with water, and strained through a thin cloth to produce oat milk.
Macadamia milk is very similarly made. Soaked macadamia nuts are blended with water, the liquid is then strained to make macadamia milk.
While there are many brands and even flavors to choose from, you can make your own oat and macadamia milk with just the ingredients, a blender, and a cheesecloth!
But before you go ahead and purchase or make one of these delicious plant milks, you probably want to know a little more about them.

In this section, we are going to directly compare the nutritional value of oat milk vs. macadamia milk.
Most doctors agree that both oat milk and macadamia milk are healthy milk options and that the nutritional benefits are substantial.
As we continue with a side-by-side comparison of their nutrition, it’s important to note that the statistics used will describe plain oat and macadamia milk without added sugars or flavors.
1 Cup | Oat Milk | Macadamia Milk |
Calories | 120 | 50 |
Protein | 3g | 1g |
Fat | 5g | 5g |
Carbohydrates | 16g | 1g |
Fiber | 2g | 1g |
If you are counting calories, macadamia nut milk has less than half the amount of calories as oat milk.
There are 120 calories in 1 cup of oat milk and only 50 calories in macadamia milk.
Plant milks are no longer only for vegans, but have become a popular option for all diets as they are delicious and nutritious!
However, if you are vegan, or if you are simply lacking protein in your daily diet, oat milk has three times as much protein as macadamia milk.
Macadamia milk only has 1 gram of protein per 1 cup, whereas oak milk has 3 grams.
Many people consider fats to be bad for the body and try to avoid them. But fats are an important part of a balanced diet, as long as they are unsaturated fats.
Luckily, both oat and macadamia milk are filled with this good type of fat!
Both macadamia milk and oat milk have 5 grams of fat per 1 cup serving.
Carbohydrates are another aspect of our diet that gets a bad name, but they are actually a necessary part of your daily intake.
In fact, doctors recommend that we eat anywhere between 225 and 325 grams of carbs each day for a typical 2,000 calorie diet.
Oat milk contains 16 grams of carbohydrates per serving, whereas macadamia nut milk provides only 1 gram. T
his does not mean one is healthier than the other, it simply means that depending on your milk of choice, you will need to either eat foods with more or less carbs throughout the day.
If you are on a low sugar or sugar free diet, homemade macadamia milk may just be the way to go. Classic macadamia milk with no added flavor has 0 grams of sugar.
However, even though oat milk has 7 grams of sugar in every 1 cup, it’s important to remember that in a healthy diet, up to 24 grams of sugar each day is recommended.
Fiber can be extremely good for the body as it can clean your colon and encourage consistent gut health.
It is recommended that adults consume 20-38 grams of fiber a day depending on your gender and size.
Macadamia milk will provide your body with 1 gram of fiber per 1 cup, while oat milk contains 2 grams.
Some cow milk drinkers are hesitant to switch to plant milks as they believe they will not be getting their daily calcium.
However, most people don’t know that the average adult only needs 1000 milligrams of calcium per day for a healthy diet.
Oat milk has 350 milligrams of calcium and macadamia milk has 451 milligrams, so even just by adding these milks to your smoothie, you are already getting almost half of your required daily intake!
Nutrition is important, but so is taste!
So let’s talk about what these two milk options taste like so you can choose how you might want to add them to your regular diet.
Oat milk does not taste like oatmeal, but it does have a sweet and nutty flavor that most people really enjoy.
It tends to be creamy, so if you are used to adding whole or 2% cow milk to your cereal, coffee, or recipes, it will have the same texture and effect.
It’s no surprise that macadamia milk tastes like macadamia nuts!
If you have never had one before, these nuts are sweet and have a natural vanilla flavor.
It is also known for being creamy and rich, and can even enhance the flavor of your favorite treats.

Oat Milk Pros & Cons
Now it’s time to learn all about oat milk and the pros and cons of choosing this non-dairy milk for your diet!
Oat milk has become a consumer favorite because of its delicious taste, creamy texture, and high nutritional value, but as with any product, there can be some downsides.
You may feel like you already understand the pros of drinking oat milk, but here’s a cohesive list so you really understand what it has to offer.
- Oat milk is high in protein, iron, and fiber.
- It contains beta-glucan fibers which are great for gut health and improving digestion.
- There is plenty of B-12 in oat milk, which is needed in a vegan diet as it is typically ingested through meat.
- There are no saturated fats in oat milk.
- Replacing whole cow milk with oat milk will reduce your cholesterol intake by 24 grams a day!
- Oat milk contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D which are great for bone health.
That’s quite a lot of pros! But before you stock your fridge with oat milk, let’s learn about the cons.
Understanding the cons of oat milk will help you decide if this is the right choice of milk for your diet. Here’s what you need to know:
- While oats are technically gluten-free, they are often produced in facilities that manufacture glutenous products. If you are gluten-free, make sure to check the label on the milk itself or on the oats if you are planning on making oat milk at home.
- Oat milk is not recommended for people with tree nut allergies.
- Sugar and preservatives are often added, which can be bad for your health. Ensure you check the label of every brand before purchasing.
- Oat milk can be high in calories compared to other non-dairy milks, but it still has less than cow milk.
- It is not Paleo, Keto, or Whole30 friendly.
Now, let’s talk about macadamia milk.

Macadamia Milk Pros & Cons
While macadamia milk may not be as popular among consumers as oat milk, it has a lot to offer, and of course, some downsides.
We are going to go through each and every pro and con of macadamia milk, and you will know very shortly if it is the right option for you!
First, we will talk about the positive aspects of macadamia milk.
- Even though macadamia milk is made of nuts, this variety has the least amount of fat compared to other nut milks.
- It is also low in carbs, and therefore, keto-friendly.
- Macadamia milk can reduce your cholesterol.
- The fiber in macadamia milk will increase gut health and help with digestion.
- It is filled with “good fats’’ i.e. unsaturated fats that we need in our diet.
- Studies show that macadamia nuts can improve cognitive functions in the brain and prevent oxidative stress.
- Macadamia milk is creamy, nutty, and delicious!
Once again, it is just as important to understand the negative aspects as the positive, so let’s dive into the cons of macadamia milk.
There are a few downsides to using macadamia milk as your milk of choice.
- Macadamias are tree nuts, so if you or anyone in your family has a nut allergy, be careful using macadamia milk.
- Macadamia nuts are the most expensive nut in the world at roughly $25 a pound. So whether you are purchasing a macadamia nut milk or buying the nuts to make it at home, it’s going to cost a bit more than most other milk options.
- It contains selenium, and although this mineral can be great for the body, it can also be toxic if consumed in excess.
Hopefully, you now understand the many benefits and possible drawbacks of macadamia milk and can confidently decide if it is the right option for you.
How to Make Your Own Oat and Macadamia Milk
As you now know, oat and macadamia milks have quite a lot of health benefits, but unfortunately, many brands add sugars and preservatives to enhance the taste and increase shelf life which can be detrimental to your health.
If you want to ensure you are only getting the advantages of these milk alternatives, we recommend making them yourself, and the good news is, they are incredibly easy to make!
Homemade Oat Milk Recipe
To make oat milk, you only need oats, water, a blender, and a cheesecloth or mesh strainer. Once you have these ingredients, just follow the instructions below:
- Soak 1 cup of oats for at least 30 minutes.
- Drain the water and rinse the oats with cold water.
- Add oats and 4 cups of cold water to the blender.
- Blend for about a minute and a half.
- Strain the liquid into a storage container.
This recipe is for unsweetened oat milk, but if you want, you can always add maple syrup or dates to make it sweet while keeping it healthy!
Here's a great video from Downshiftology that shows how to make oat milk:
Homemade Macadamia Milk Recipe
You may have noticed that macadamia milks are quite a bit more expensive than other milks, and while buying the nuts themselves isn’t cheap either, it is a more economical way to enjoy this healthy alternative.
To make macadamia milk, you will need 1 cup of raw macadamia nuts, water, a blender, and a mesh strainer or cheesecloth.
- Soak the macadamia nuts in room temperature water for 1-2 hours.
- Drain and rinse the nuts.
- Add nuts and 3-4 cups of water to a blender.
- Blend for 1-2 minutes.
- Strain the liquid through a mesh strainer into a storage container.
You can once again add sweeteners such as maple syrup, dates, or even honey if you prefer sweet milk.
You can check out this video from Luvele Life to learn how to make macadamia nut milk
While these milk options do have a lot in common, there are certain aspects that may lead you to choose one or the other. But the truth is, it’s up to you to decide which milk you like better and which one may be the right choice for your family.
As promised, you are now an oat and macadamia milk expert, and you now have all the information you need to confidently purchase or even make your own oat or macadamia milk.