Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation?

Written by: Kelly Donovan

Have you ever wondered if almond milk could be linked with constipation? More and more people are incorporating plant-based milk into their diets, but does this milk have an impact on your bowel movements?

Most kinds of almond milk will not cause constipation, because the milk has minimal relation to your digestive system, and will not usually make much difference. However, almond milk with lots of additives and preservatives may cause some stomach problems, and this could extend to constipation.

It’s important to understand how the things we eat impact our digestive systems, so let’s find out more about whether almond milk can be a cause of constipation or not.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation?

It is unlikely that almond milk in its normal form will cause constipation; there is no particular reason for it to do so. 

However, there is some debate on this subject; many people think that almonds – and by extension almond milk – could prevent constipation because almonds are high in fiber, and high fiber foods can reduce constipation.

However, there are a couple of things to consider here.

The first is that almond milk is not the same as almonds, and the second is that it may contain additives.

A lot of commercial almond milks have had other ingredients added to improve the milk.

These may thicken it, flavor it, or make it more stable. Depending on what has been added, it could cause constipation.

One of the common additives to almond milk is calcium carbonate. This is because almond milk is often used to replace cow’s milk, which is high in calcium.

To ensure that the almond milk is a viable alternative, manufacturers add calcium to the milk and it is thought that consuming too much calcium could cause constipation.

The Office of Dietary Supplements explains that calcium supplements – especially calcium carbonate – could trigger constipation and other gastrointestinal issues.

This could be particularly problematic if your stomach acid levels are lower and you are an older adult.

Make sure you check what additives the almond milk contains before consuming it, but be aware that many almond milks do not contain calcium carbonate and should be fine.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation

Is Almond Milk Good For Constipation?

So, if almond milk is rarely going to be a cause of constipation, could it be good for it? 

Many sites claim that drinking almond milk could reduce constipation in some circumstances.

If your diet is low in fiber, adding almond milk could be a good way to give yourself a boost. However, it is thought that this boost is limited and of minimal importance.

In general, whole almonds have a good balance of fats to fiber, and could have plenty of dietary benefits.

We all know that increasing fiber intake can help to regulate and ease bowel movements – but that’s the nuts, not the milk.

Unfortunately, almonds that have been processed into milk do not contain much fiber.

That means almond milk probably won’t make much difference to whether you are constipated or not, even if you are making and straining your own almond milk at home.

You will still be removing most of the fiber from it, and this means it is unlikely to reduce or have a significant impact on constipation.

Is Almond Milk Good For Constipation

How Much Almond Milk Will Relieve Constipation?

There are currently no studies that look at how much almond milk could be effective in relieving constipation – and indeed, almond milk may not relieve constipation at all.

That might be frustrating if you are hoping to use almond milk to improve the functioning of your guts, but there is too little research to get a good answer.

Even if there were more studies on this, the answer would depend on the severity of the constipation and the other foods being consumed.

There would not be a simple, straightforward answer.

Often, constipation is a complicated issue to deal with and you may need to try multiple solutions to address it.

If you are suffering from constipation, you might wish to try other high fiber foods, such as unprocessed almonds, prunes, and fruit. These should help to ease the constipation.

You can also buy supplements that may help, but raise this with your doctor first to discuss doses and any potential side effects.

How Much Almond Milk Will Relieve Constipation

Can Too Much Almond Milk Cause Constipation?

Drinking too much almond milk could theoretically cause constipation, especially if it has added calcium carbonate.

You should check the ingredients of your almond milk brand to determine whether it does.

If the almond milk you purchase does, be cautious about how much you drink, especially if you suffer from digestive issues.

You may wish to choose other plant milks with no calcium carbonate, or reduce the amount that you drink.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation When Breastfeeding?

Many women are more vulnerable to constipation after giving birth and while breastfeeding, for a number of reasons.

Things like reduced movement, pain medication, stress, poor sleep, and more can increase your risk of constipation, but the biggest issue is likely to be dehydration.

If you aren’t remembering to drink enough, you’re much more likely to get constipated, and when dealing with a newborn baby, it’s easy to neglect your own needs.

You can drink almond milk, but plain water is the best way to stay hydrated without causing any issues.

If you are already vulnerable to constipation as a result of the birth and breastfeeding, almond milk may be best avoided.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation In Toddlers?

As in adults, almond milk could cause constipation in toddlers if drunk in significant quantities.

This may be because of additives like calcium carbonate, but could also be because of the low fiber content.

Many young children struggle to get a balanced diet, and if your toddler is not eating enough fruits and other fiber-rich foods, bowel movements could become difficult.

You should monitor your child’s diet and only offer almond milk in small quantities.

does almond milk make you constipated

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation In Babies?

You should not give any non-human milk (besides formula) to babies that are less than a year old.

Babies need the nutrients that are contained in breast milk or formula, so they should not be swapped onto almond milk until they are older.

After your child has turned one, you can start offering it other alternatives, including cow’s milk and almond milk.

However, babies should not be given almond milk or other kinds of milk, because it does not contain the nutrients that they need in order to grow strong and healthy.

A tiny quantity of almond milk is unlikely to hurt a baby, but there is no reason to give it to them.

Does Almond Milk Make You Poop?

Almond milk is pretty unlikely to make you poop. It does not contain laxative products and because it is low in fiber, it won’t keep your guts moving.

Almond milk may help you to stay hydrated, which is key to good bowel movements, but otherwise, it will have a minimal impact overall.

You can try drinking almond milk in coffee if you wish to increase your bowel movements, but be aware that the coffee is likely to have more of an impact than the almond milk.

Almond milk is not likely to be more effective than any other liquid that increases your hydration levels.

It is true that being hydrated reduces your risk of constipation, but overall, almond milk is not going to make a notable difference.

There is currently no evidence to suggest that almond milk makes you poop more or less than if you do not include it in your diet.

How To Relieve Constipation Caused By Almond Milk

No matter the cause of constipation, the treatments are usually the same for most people.

If you do not wish to rely on over the counter medications or speak to a doctor, you can usually treat mild constipation at home.

As mentioned above, one of the most effective methods is to add more fiber to your diet; this will increase the frequency of your bowel movements and help to reduce the risk of constipation, as well as its severity.

Multiple studies have shown that high fiber diets lead to more comfortable and normal bowel movements, so this is a good option.

You should also make sure that you are drinking plenty of water, as studies have shown that inadequate fluid intake could contribute to constipation.

Have several glasses of water per day to keep your hydration levels high, and do not use almond milk as a means of rehydrating, especially if it seems to trigger constipation for you.

The same study also references the fact that lack of movement can contribute to constipation issues, so you may find that getting active and moving around helps too.

Make efforts to engage in some physical activity every day, and this may reduce issues with constipation.


Almond milk is not likely to cause constipation, but it could do if it contains certain additives and you drink it in large quantities.

No studies yet tell us whether almond milk could ease constipation, but it does not seem likely that it could, as it is low in fiber.

About the Author

Kelly Donovan is a freelance writer. She enjoys helping people reach their wellness goals by educating them about how food plays a role in their health.