Soy milk lasts longer than dairy, so it’s easy to drink it without hesitation every once in a while. But like other types of milk, it goes bad and expires after some time.
The amount of time soy milk lasts depends on the type of soy milk and its packaging. How you store your homemade or store-bought milk will also impact its shelf life.
Read on to learn how to handle different types of soy milk, how to extend their lifespan, and other tips to help you enjoy your soy milk longer.
How Long Does Soy Milk Last?
Like dairy milk, we have refrigerated and shelf-stable soy milk. People also buy it in powder form or make their own soy milk at home.
Let’s look into each of them to understand why they have different shelf lives.
Type | Unopened | Opened |
Shelf-Stable Soy Milk | 6-12 months | 6-12 days |
Refrigerated Soy Milk | 5-7 days | 3-5 days |
Homemade Soy Milk | 3-5 days | 2-3 days |
Powdered Soy Milk | 12+ months | 3 months |
How Long Does Shelf-stable Soy Milk Last?
Shelf-stable soy milk can last 6 to 12 months after its manufacturing date and sometimes a few days past the dates on the packaging.
Shelf-stable milk comes in special, sterile, and airtight packaging. This type of soy milk has a long shelf life because it undergoes extensive heat processing.
You can store an unopened soy milk carton at room temperature since it doesn’t require refrigeration to stay fresh.
However, you can’t leave it on the counter or pantry once opened. You should refrigerate it immediately and consume it within 6 to 12 days.
How Long Does Refrigerated Soy Milk Last?
Refrigerated soy milk lasts 5-7 days. Put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible and consume it within a week. Make sure you finish it within a couple of days after opening the container.
Refrigerated soy milk doesn’t come in special aseptic packaging. You should handle it cautiously since it has a shorter shelf life.
How Long Does Homemade Soy Milk Last?
Homemade soy milk lasts for 3 to 5 days when refrigerated.
Homemade soy milk has the shortest shelf life since it has no preservatives or special packaging. It can easily expire when left out in the open for a few hours.
How Long Does Powdered Soy Milk Last?
Powdered soy milk can last up to 12 months or longer depending on the best by and expiry dates indicated on the packaging.
Though, its shelf life reduces to about 3 months when opened or transferred to a different storage container.
Dry soy milk powder is an excellent choice for people who value convenience. It has the longest shelf life and is easier to store than the other options.
Store unopened soy milk powder in cool and dry conditions. And refrigerate it once you’ve opened or transferred it from the original packaging.

How to Make Soy Milk Last Longer
Your storage practices will greatly affect the lifespan of your soy milk. Here are some useful tips to help you preserve your milk longer.
Refrigerate The Milk
Research shows that sterilized soy milk can last for 5 to 6 months when refrigerated. And up to 3 months at room temperature.
Although you have the option of storing shelf-stable and powdered soy milk in the pantry, refrigeration is the best way to extend their shelf life.
If you don’t have access to a refrigerator, store the shelf-stable soy milk in a cool and dry place away from the sun. Heat stimulates bacteria growth even in unopened cartons.
Only Open Milk When You're Ready to Use It
As mentioned earlier, soy milk’s life span reduces once the package is opened.
Avoid opening containers or transferring the contents of the original package if you’re not drinking soy milk at that time.

Use Tightly Sealed Containers
Sealing the opened packet or container keeps the milk from getting contaminated.
Aside from keeping out bacteria, it also locks out scents from other foods.
Feel free to transfer the soy milk to an airtight container if it doesn’t have a resealable package.
Don’t Drink Directly From The Container or Carton
Drinking straight from the carton spoils soy milk before its due date. It may seem convenient, but it transfers bacteria from your mouth to the milk.
Always pour your milk into a glass to prevent contamination and microbial spoilage.

Other Ways to Extend Soy Milk’s Shelf Life
According to the USDA, you can preserve milk in the freezer for about 3 months.
Some people freeze opened shelf-stable soy milk a few weeks before its expiry date to extend its shelf life.
You can do the same for opened refrigerated soy milk a few days before its expiry date.
Freezing will inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. The downside is that it ruins the soy milk’s consistency since it separates after thawing.
But you can easily fix that by shaking it before freezing or blending it later to restore its creamy texture.
Some people claim that defrosted soy milk doesn’t taste as good. But it still makes for a great ingredient for smoothies or cooking.
Here are some useful tips to keep in mind if you choose to freeze your soy milk:
- Use freezer-safe plastic containers.
- Leave some space in the container because the soy milk will expand.
- If possible, avoid using carton boxes because they can expand and burst.
- Avoid glass bottles because they crack when frozen.
- Label the expiration days on the containers.
- If you’re using freezer bags, leave some expansion space in and around the bag.
- Use silicon ice cube trays to freeze the soy milk you’ll use when cooking or making smoothies. That way, you won’t need to defrost all the soy milk whenever you need some.
- Don’t refreeze the milk.
- Thaw frozen soy milk in the refrigerator overnight.
- To defrost frozen soy milk ice cubes, pour them into a pitcher, then refrigerate it overnight.
- You can also defrost the soy milk by placing the container in warm water.

How To Tell If Soy Milk Has Gone Bad
- Checking the expiry date on the package is the quickest way to tell if the soy milk’s gone bad. Always check the best by date if you suspect the milk’s been in storage for too long.
- Keenly look at the shape of the package. Don’t consume the soy milk if the packaging looks bloated or swollen. The swelling indicates that the milk is contaminated - which could happen during manufacturing or due to poor storage.
- You can pour it into a glass to check if there’s a change in its off-white color or texture consistency. Spoiled soy milk changes to a yellowish color and has a lumpy texture.
- Like dairy, spoiled soy milk has a sour aroma. You should toss away the carton if there’s something off with its smell.
- If you’re still unsure, you can taste the soy milk to check its freshness. It will have an unpleasant sour taste if it's spoiled.
- Lastly, heat the milk. Fresh soy milk will retain its normal consistency, while spoiled milk will have a curdled or lumpy texture.

What Happens If You Drink Spoiled Soy Milk?
Unfortunately, spoiled soy milk doesn’t always produce a foul aroma or unpleasant taste. It might also go bad before its expiry date, making it easy to consume spoiled soy milk innocently.
When that happens, you’ll exhibit food poisoning symptoms due to the contamination caused by mold and bacteria growth. It might take a few hours, but you might experience the following:
- Stomach cramps
- Diarrhea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fatigue and muscle aches
- Abdominal pain
- Headaches
Some people experience mild food poisoning and don’t need treatment. If necessary, you can take over-the-counter medicine and hydrate as you recover. However, you should see a doctor if your symptoms last more than 3 days.

Final Thoughts
Soy milk is one of the most popular non-dairy milk alternatives.
It might seem like a waste of food and money, but you should always discard spoiled or expired soy milk.
Knowing how long soy milk lasts will keep you from risking your health. The tips we’ve shared in this article will ensure your soy milk is always safe for consumption.
If you decide to make some soy milk at home, never let it sit out. Refrigerate it immediately and consume it within 5 days.
When you buy refrigerated soy milk, put it in the refrigerator even if it’s unopened. Use it within a week and finish it in a couple of days once you open it.
Always check the best by and expiry dates when buying powdered and shelf-stable soy milk. You can refrigerate or keep them in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Heat will shorten their shelf life and make them go bad quickly.
Shelf-stable milk can last 6 months or longer, but its shelf life reduces to less than 12 days once the package is opened. Remember to keep it in the refrigerator afterward, so it doesn’t get spoiled.
When you open powdered soy milk, its lifespan shortens from 12 to 3 months. Do not open the original packaging unless you want to consume the milk.
Freezing is also a great way of extending your milk’s shelf life. You can freeze homemade and open store-bought soy milk before they expire.
Lastly, don’t drink soy milk you forgot about in the refrigerator without testing if it's spoiled.