The cheesy flavor of Doritos might make you assume they contain milk. However, that's not necessarily the case!
Do Doritos Contain Milk?
Doritos are primarily made up of ground corn, vegetable oil, salt, and flavorings. However, many of those flavorings do contain milk. In addition to most Doritos containing milk, Doritos are made in factories that also handle milk products.
So, if you are allergic to milk or intolerant to it, this may also be a concerning factor if you are figuring out if you can eat them or not.
According to the FritoLay website, there are only three Doritos flavors that contain no milk or animal products at all:
- Salsa Verde
- Spicy Sweet Chili
- Reduced Fat Spicy Sweet Chili flavor
Each of these flavors is made without any animal products, including milk. All of the other Doritos flavors include milk or milk products.

Do Doritos Contain Dairy?
In addition to milk, most Doritos contain other dairy products, including:
- Cheddar cheese
- Whey protein
- Buttermilk
- Lactose
- Romano cheese
Do Most Chips Contain Dairy?
While regular old potato chips may not contain dairy, most other flavored chips will likely contain dairy in some form.
Flavors like sour cream and onion or other cheesy flavored chips contain similar ingredients to those found in Doritos.
Sticking to plain potato chips is your best bet to avoid cheese, milk, whey, and other dairy ingredients.
Can You Make Doritos at Home Without Milk?
While nothing can match up to the original flavor, there are tons of recipes out there for your very own homemade Doritos.
Many of these recipes claim to make chips that taste better than the ones you can buy at the store, and they will leave you feeling better in the end as well.
Many recipes found online may not be completely dairy-free, but most do not contain milk as an ingredient.
Milk is harder to incorporate in homemade recipes, so it gets left out or swapped out for other non-dairy ingredients.
Here are a couple of videos to make Doritos without milk or any dairy products:
Many Doritos flavors do contain milk or milk-based products.
Although Doritos offers some flavors that are completely free of dairy, the most popular and traditional flavors contain milk and dairy.