Have you ever wondered whether it is safe to share your almond milk with your feline friend? If so, keep reading to find out!
Cats can have almond milk, but only in moderation. However, there are no health benefits in almond milk for cats so it’s best to use it only as an occasional treat.
In this article, we’ll look at whether almond milk is safe for cats to drink and whether they should be allowed to have it. We’ll also explore any potential benefits and drawbacks that are associated with almond milk.
Can Cats Have Almond Milk?
Almond milk does not contain lactose, which makes it safer for cats than normal cow’s milk. It may not cause an upset stomach in the way that giving your cat cow’s milk usually will, so some people feel that it is a preferable option.
Most people are aware that beyond the realms of children’s books, cats should not be given cow’s milk, because it contains lactose and cats are not able to digest this.
However, many people do offer their cats cow’s milk, and almond milk could prove a better alternative, at least in terms of lactose content.
There is little scientific evidence to suggest that cats can have almond milk, but a lot of anecdotal evidence that indicates a small amount should not be a problem.
Related: Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?
Is Almond Milk Safe For Cats?
Almond milk is generally considered safe for cats, although as yet, there are no scientific studies to back up this assumption.
There is not thought to be anything that could be toxic to cats in almond milk, and many people give it to their cats as an infrequent treat.
However, cats don’t get any benefit from almond milk that is not already included in a balanced diet.
A cat that is drinking almond milk will get certain nutrients, but these should already be included in the cat’s food, and it will not need to drink almond milk to acquire them.

Store-Bought Vs. Homemade Almond Milk For Cats
If you’re going to give you cat almond milk, homemade almond milk is likely to be the better option since you can control the ingredients that go into it.
If you’re giving your cat homemade almond milk, we recommend only using two ingredients—almonds and water.
For store-bought almond milk, things are a little trickier.
Similar to homemade almond milk, we only recommend giving your cat almond milk made with water and almonds (preferably organic).
Avoid sweetened or flavored almond milk completely.
If you can’t find plain unsweetened almond milk in your grocery store, we suggest using a product like JOI which is an almond milk base that you can mix with water to make organic almond milk at home.
Related: Can Cats Drink Oat Milk?
How Much Almond Milk Can Cats Have?
If you are going to give your cat almond milk, make sure you are providing it infrequently and in very small quantities.
Almond milk is low in protein, which cats need, so it won’t work to supplement their food with.
There are no studies so far to determine how much almond milk is healthy for cats, and most advice simply says to offer it “in moderation.”
This is too vague to be very useful, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and give your cat a minimal amount, perhaps a teaspoon every few days at the most.
If your cat really loves almond milk, this is enough to be a treat.

Benefits Of Almond Milk For Cats
Almond milk tends to be fairly low in fat and sugar (provided you choose an unsweetened option), which means it shouldn’t be problematic for cats to drink.
However, there are not likely to be any direct benefits for your cat in drinking almond milk.
Some people claim that a benefit of almond milk is that it is often fortified with vitamin D, which could be beneficial for older cats, especially if they are not getting sufficient vitamins from their diets.
However, studies have shown that cats discriminate between different forms of vitamin D, and vitamin D absorption will also be dependent on other kinds of foods.
You may therefore find that almond milk does not offer your cat a significant boost of vitamin D, and there are not yet any studies to suggest that it will do so.

What Are The Side Effects Of Almond Milk For Cats?
Almond milk isn’t thought to cause any major side effects, it may contribute to weight gain. Because almond milk is usually seen as an addition to the main diet, it is extra calories that your cat may not need or benefit from, and that means you should be cautious about giving it to your cat.
Almond milk may not be particularly fatty, but it is still additional food that your cat doesn’t really need. It is lower in protein, phosphorus, and potassium than cow’s milk, which may mean it isn’t as good for your cat’s overall nutrition.
Drinking a lot of almond milk could lead to an upset stomach or possibly even vomiting, simply because cats evolved to consume meat, not plant matter.
Almond milk may not be easy for them to digest, even though it doesn’t contain lactose.
Related: Is Lactose-Free Milk Vegan?
Why Can’t Cats Have Dairy Milk?
Dairy milk is considered unsuitable for cats because of the lactose in it. Cats cannot generally digest lactose well (although there are a few exceptions) and therefore, dairy milk often leads to stomach upsets and sometimes vomiting.
You should avoid giving your cat dairy milk for this reason. Even if your cat can digest it, the milk is not a necessary part of a balanced diet, and may prove problematic for your cat to drink. You should therefore avoid offering it to your feline.
Related: Almond Milk vs. Cow Milk
What kind of milk can cats drink?
You may have seen many pet stores advertising “cat milk” and “kitten milk” and wondered why this is okay for your pet, and how it differs from the milk in your fridge. The answer is that the lactose has been removed.
Like lactose-free milk for people, it has had the milk sugar extracted to make it safe for the cat to drink. You should be able to offer this milk to your cat as a treat without any risk of it causing a stomach problem.
Can baby cats drink almond milk?
You should not feed a baby cat on anything but specifically designed products that are suitable for its age. Young cats should only drink commercially-tested products or milk from their mothers. Do not give a kitten almond milk under any circumstances, even if the mother cat drinks it safely.
Kittens need a very specific balance of nutrients to grow up strong and healthy, and you should not give them anything outside of the recommended diet.
Can cats have vanilla almond milk?
No studies have been done on a cat’s ability to digest vanilla almond milk, and there isn’t even much anecdotal evidence about this yet. However, it is not a good idea to give your cat vanilla almond milk.
Vanilla is not a natural food for cats and it should be avoided. If you only have vanilla almond milk to hand, give your cat plain water instead.
Can cats drink nut milk?
Don’t give your cat other kinds of nut milks, as these could be dangerous. Depending on the milk in question, it could contain toxins that might harm your cat. For example, macadamia nuts are known to be toxic to dogs, and may also be harmful to cats.
The milk from this nut would not be considered a safe option, and should be avoided. Similarly, other nut milks should be avoided unless you categorically know that they are safe. Cats don’t naturally consume nuts, and the milk made from nuts isn’t generally a good option for them to consume.
Can almond milk kill cats?
It is unlikely that drinking almond milk in small quantities could kill your cat or even cause a serious stomach upset, but if your cat consumed a large enough quantity, it’s possible that almond milk could be dangerous.
There is not thought to be anything toxic to cats in almond milk, so in theory, drinking it should not cause any risk of death. However, in large enough quantities, any food or drink is potentially dangerous, and it’s best not to risk this. If you are unsure about almond milk for your cat, do not offer it.
Instead, give your cat plenty of fresh, clean water, which is all that it needs to stay hydrated and happy.
General consensus states that small amounts of almond milk are not likely to harm cats, and many cats seem to enjoy the creamy flavor. However, almond milk is not nutritionally beneficial for the cat, and you may wish to avoid offering it to your pet.