Is Almond Milk Good For Men?

Written by: Jeana Marie

Almond milk is generally considered a healthy alternative for people who can’t or choose not to consume cow’s milk.

Along with oat milk, almond milk is one of the most popular plant-based milk worldwide and offers a lighter-calorie milk-like beverage to use for baking and drinking. 

Although women comprise the largest segment of almond milk purchasers in the U.S., plenty of men enjoy this nut-based drink.

However, with a nutritional profile that differs from dairy milk, some may wonder, is almond milk good for men? 

Learn why almond milk is an excellent beverage for men, including how it can help you reach your health goals. 

Quick Answer

Is almond milk good for men?

Yes. Almond milk contains several beneficial nutrients for men, including protein, healthy fats, calcium, and vitamins.

What Nutrients Do Men Need?

It’s essential to consider men's recommended daily allowances (RDA) to understand how almond milk fits into a typical male diet.

Firstly, an average male needs between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day. 

As a man, your nutritional needs will vary based on your weight, height, and activity level, so it may be helpful to use an online calculator to determine your exact caloric needs. 


Protein is one of the most important macronutrients for men.

Protein helps build and repair muscles and also plays a part in keeping hair, nails, and skin healthy.

The protein RDA for the average male is around 56 grams per day; however, this number may go as high as 157 grams per day for some men.

As a man, protein intake should make up between 10% to 35% of your daily caloric intake, or .8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight. 


Most men should aim for between 45% to 65% of calories from carbohydrates.

If you eat 2,000 calories per day, you should get 900 to 1,300 calories from healthy carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.


Men should obtain around 20% to 35% of their diet from healthy fats.

These fats include plant-based oils like avocado or olive, seeds, nuts, and legumes.

So, if you are on a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet, you’d want to consume about 400 to 700 calories from fat. 

Other Nutrients

In addition to the macronutrients above, men need many other vitamins and minerals. Calcium and Vitamin D are necessary to ensure bone health, especially for younger and older men. 

Zinc is important for men who plan to have children in the near future, as it can boost sperm quality.

All people can benefit from their RDA of other nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin A, B Vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. 

Nutritional Profile for Almond Milk

To decide whether almond milk is suitable for men, comparing a man’s daily nutrient needs with almond milk’s nutritional profile is helpful.

According to the USDA, a cup of unsweetened almond milk contains the following:

Almond Milk Nutrition Facts

















Vitamin D

41 IU

Vitamin E


Benefits of Almond Milk For Men

Taking almond milk’s nutritional profile into consideration, it may provide the following benefits for men:

Provides a Wide Range of Bioavailable Nutrients

Almond milk offers men a wide range of nutrients that contribute to good health.

Though low in protein and fiber, almond milk contains a good portion of calcium, potassium, and Vitamin D, which can help men keep their bones strong and healthy. 

The Vitamin D in almond milk helps men absorb the calcium to keep skin, hair, and bones in good condition.

Potassium intake for men can aid in heart health and regulate fluid in the body, which can be especially important for men who perform athletic activities. 

Aids in Weight-Loss or Maintenance

For men trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight, almond milk offers an excellent alternative to high-fight, high-calorie dairy milk.

Almond milk only has around 39 calories per cup, compared to around 122 calories for 2% cow’s milk.

Additionally, almond milk only has 3 grams of fat and 4 grams of carbohydrates.

Cow’s milk contains 12 grams or more carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat per serving.

This nutritional profile means that almond milk gives you less fat and carbs than dairy milk, which can help you maintain a healthy weight. 

Helps You Stick to a Clean-Eating Diet

If you are doing a clean eating type diet like Whole30, Paleo, or Keto, almond milk is an excellent substitute for cow’s milk.

Almond milk is Keto-friendly, with minimal carbohydrates. Some minimally processed brands are also a good choice for the Paleo diet

The Whole30 approach centers on eliminating processed foods from your diet to get on track with a healthy lifestyle.

Several almond milk brands are Whole30-approved, including JOI almond milk nut baseMALK unsweetened almond milk, and New Barn Organics

Overall Health and Wellness

In general, almond milk can help men maintain a high level of health and wellness.

The vitamins and nutrients in almond milk, like Vitamin E and oleic acid, can improve brain functioning and positively affect blood lipids. 

Because almond milk is plant-based, it contributes to a plant-based diet, which has been shown to improve health measures across the board for most people. 

Unsweetened almond milk is optimal for men with diabetes due to its low sugar and carb counts. Some brands may also work well for men with digestive conditions like diverticulitis

Finally, almond milk is ideal for men who have lactose intolerance.

The beverage doesn't contain lactose, the sugar in dairy milk that causes symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, and gas in some people, making it an excellent choice to use in recipes and for drinking. 

almond milk in milk bottle on table surrounded by almonds

Cons of Almond Milk For Men

Despite the multiple benefits of almond milk for men, drinking this nut-based beverage may have a few downsides.

First, it doesn’t contain nearly as much protein as regular dairy milk.

Almond milk only contains 1 gram of protein per 8 ounces, while cow’s milk has almost 8 grams per cup. 

Unless it’s fortified, almonds also don't contain many other nutrients.

Store-bought brands are the closest nutritionally to cow’s milk and typically contain Vitamin D, calcium, and other nutrients.

However, these brands also contain added ingredients like gellan gum and carrageenan, which can upset sensitive digestive systems. 

Almond milk is low in calories, so it likely won’t hurt your diet, but it won't help you bulk up either.

Finally, if you drink sweetened almond milk with added sweetener, you may negate the beverage's health benefits with the extra carbs and processed sugars. 

Check out our Almond Milk 101 video to learn more about the pros and cons of almond milk for men.

When Should Men Avoid Almond Milk?

Some men should avoid almond milk under certain circumstances.

If you fall into one of the following categories, you may want to avoid almond milk and opt for cow’s milk or another plant-based beverage. 


You should never give babies, male or female, almond milk until they are toddlers.

Almond milk doesn’t contain the unique nutrients that breastmilk or baby formula does, so it should never be relied on as a source of nutrition for babies under 24-36 months.

Even then, almond milk should only be given as part of a well-rounded diet as it doesn’t have the protein and calcium (unless it’s fortified) that most kids need for healthy bone development and growth.  

Men Who Want to Build Muscle

Men who want to heavily bulk up may want to consider an alternative to almond milk.

Almond milk’s low protein profile makes it less-than-ideal for bodybuilders trying to put on muscle for a competition or athletic event.

You may want to stick with cow or plant-based milk high in protein like pea milk

That being said, men who want to bulk up can still drink almond milk as part of their diet.

Almond milk is an excellent beverage to mix with protein powders and other workout supplements.

Its creamy yet thin consistency helps you quickly drink the protein without feeling heavy or weighed down.

It also adds the benefit of several nutrients to aid your muscles during your workout. 

Men With Tree Nut/Nut Allergies

Unfortunately, men with nut or tree-nut allergies should avoid almond milk. 

90% of people with nut allergies remain allergic for their entire lives rather than outgrowing the allergy.

If you have a tree nut allergy and drink almond milk, you may experience symptoms such as: 

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps, pain, or nausea
  • Swallowing difficulty
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Throat, skin, or mouth itchiness
  • Life-threatening anaphylaxis

The Bottom Line About Almond Milk For Men

The bottom line is that almond milk is a great beverage option for most men.

It has a low calorie and carbohydrate count, and fortified brands offer a beneficial amount of calcium, potassium, and other nutrients.

While men with nut allergies should avoid almond milk, most men can benefit from incorporating the beverage into their diet as part of an overall healthier lifestyle. 

About the Author

Jeana Marie is a freelance digital content writer. Her writing focuses on mental health, self-improvement, and healthy living. When she's not writing, Jeana enjoys spending time with her daughters and discovering new coffee and herbal tea flavors.