Ramen noodles are a popular dish, but as more and more people move away from consuming milk, questions about their ingredients arise.
Ramen noodles are generally free from milk and dairy, and the noodles themselves are often vegan. However, if you consume the seasoning that comes with the noodles, it’s worth being aware that this contains lactose.
In this article, we will examine whether ramen noodles are milk-free and dairy-free and what you need to be careful about when eating them.
Do Ramen Noodles Have Milk In Them?
Ramen noodles should not contain milk or dairy, whether you’re buying them at the store or a restaurant. They usually contain wheat flour, water, and some preservatives to extend their shelf life, but no milk or dairy.
This may be because people did not traditionally use milk in many Asian cultures, so many Asian dishes don’t depend upon milk or milk-based products.
Although noodles have become common in Western cultures, they developed in a society where milk was not often used, and therefore, they rarely contain it.
However, if you purchase instant ramen noodles, you might find that they say “contains dairy” on the container.
This is because the instant noodles come with seasoning packets, which may contain lactose. This is thought to help preserve the seasoning.
You can eat ramen noodles if you’re on a milk-free diet, but you must avoid these packets of seasoning.
If you’ve bought instant noodles, try making your own sauce with a stock cube or other flavoring rather than using the prepackaged option.
If you want to do a deep dive into the history of Ramen, I recommend watching this video from Mental Floss.
Do Ramen Noodles In Restaurants Have Milk Or Dairy In Them?
It is highly unlikely that you will find ramen noodles with milk or dairy in them when you’re eating a freshly cooked meal.
Dairy simply isn’t part of this dish. In most instances, ramen noodles are vegan and vegetarian.
You should check, just in case, but ramen noodles are a safe, milk-free option in most cases.
Can You Make Ramen Noodles With A Plant-Based Milk?
You probably won’t find you need plant-based milk to make ramen noodles, but if you want one, try something like unsweetened flax milk, which has a neutral flavor and a creamy texture.
If that doesn’t appeal, consider almond milk, which is thin and subtle but will still bring a slight creaminess to the meal.

Ramen noodles are almost always milk-free and dairy-free, but you should avoid prepackaged seasoning if you are lactose intolerant.
When ordering ramen noodles from a restaurant, check with the chef that they don’t contain any milk – but on the whole, they shouldn’t.