7 Best Oat Milk Substitutes (Non-Dairy)

Written by: Jeana Marie

Oat milk is one of the most consumed plant-based milk alternatives in the U.S. With its creamy texture and mild flavor, it closely mimics dairy in both taste and mouthfeel.

For many people, myself included, it’s a go-to for subbing out cow’s milk in tea and coffee, smoothies, oatmeal, and baking. 

However, oat milk is often high in calories, carbohydrates, and natural sugars. It can also contain traces of gluten due to oats being processed alongside wheat. 

If you’re searching for the perfect oat milk replacements to cut down on sugar or calories, because of a wheat allergy or sensitivity, or try a new dairy-free alternative, check out the following guide to oat milk substitutes.

Feel free to use our  to search for an oat milk replacement that meets your calorie, nutritional, and dietary needs.

Oat Milk Substitutes for Your Kitchen

Several plant-based milks can act as a replacement for oat milk in many different applications.

From almond and coconut milk to less well-known alternatives like pea and hemp, you can use the following dairy-free choices to substitute for oat milk depending on your culinary or nutritional needs and preferences. 

1. Almond Milk

Almond milk is a great one-on-one replacement for oat milk.

This beverage is gluten and dairy free and is much lower in calories than most oat milk brands.

Almond milk is delicious as a substitute for oat milk if you are looking for a readily available dairy-free option that is low in carbohydrates. 

Unlike oat milk, which has about 16 grams of carbs per serving, most almond milk only has around 4 grams

Almond milk is a bit less thick than oat milk and typically has less fiber. It may also have a more nutty flavor, depending on the brand you choose. 

2. Soy Milk

Soy milk is a classic non-dairy milk option and is an excellent replacement for oat milk.

With a naturally sweet taste and rich texture, soy mimics oat milk’s creaminess, which works well in cereals, coffee, or cooking. 

Soy has about the same calories as most oat milk and is similar in fats and fiber.

However, it’s higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates, making it a better choice if you’re trying to watch your carb intake. 

3. Coconut Milk

Refrigerated coconut milk (not the kind in the can) can be a good substitute for oat milk.

Coconut milk has more fat than oat milk but has about a quarter of the carbohydrates. It provides a nutty, tropical flavor that can liven up your smoothies or chia seed pudding. 

Coconut milk works exceptionally well to replace oat milk in dairy-free ice cream. Its higher fat content helps create a creamier, softer ice cream.

You might also prefer using it in dishes that traditionally contain coconut milk, like Asian curries or stews better, as it matches the flavor profiles of these dishes better than oat milk. 

4. Rice Milk

Rice milk is a possible oat milk substitute if you’re looking for something a bit less thick and with fewer grams of fat.

Similar in calorie and carbohydrate content, rice milk offers a thinner, slightly more sweet taste. It’s nut-free and dairy-free, like oat milk, and also gluten-free. 

Substituting rice milk for oat milk is ideal for cooking and baking applications but not so much for putting in your morning coffee or tea.

While oat milk generally froths nicely, especially when using a barista blend like Willa’s Barista Oat Milk, rice milk usually doesn’t foam as well. 

Since it’s less creamy, it also doesn’t offer as much body for this type of use, but it can work well in cereals or smoothies. 

5. Cashew Milk

Cashew milk is another plant-based replacement option for oat milk in your kitchen.

Although it’s unsuitable for people with nut allergies, cashew milk is a great oat milk substitute if you want a beverage with fewer calories (about 35 to oat milk 120), healthy fat (about 2 grams), and fewer carbohydrates (7 grams vs. 16 grams) per serving, depending on the product. 

Cashew milk has a nutty flavor and, again, can have a similar texture to oat milk, depending on the product.

This makes it a perfect choice when making smoothies, cafe-inspired beverages, or baking. 

However, some cashew milk can curdle in hot drinks, so you may want to choose a barista cashew milk. The best option we've found is JOI's Hazelnut Creamer Milk concentrate, which contains cashews as a main ingredient.

6. Hemp Milk

Hemp milk is a less-known dairy-free product that can be an ideal replacement for oat milk.

Typically, hemp milk has about 60 calories and 3 grams of protein per serving.

This makes it a lower-calorie option that still provides a good amount of protein if you’re focused on building muscle or boosting your protein intake. 

Hemp milk also has fewer carbohydrates than oat milk, with around half the amount of carbs/sugar as oat milk per serving.

Some people don’t like the nutty taste of hemp milk, but I personally found that hemp milk offers a fairly mild flavor that’s good in smoothies and soups.

Like most plant-based milk, it depends on the product you buy and the additives and processes used to make it. 

7. Pea Milk

Pea milk is another possible substitute for oat milk.

This is one of the best options if you are looking for more protein - as it has even more than a serving of dairy milk.

Most pea milk products have about 8 grams of protein per 8 ounces, about four times that of most oat milk

Similar in fat, carbs, and fiber, pea milk can often be creamier, making it a good choice for most culinary applications.

However, from personal experience, pea milk can take some getting used to. 

I found it has a strong, almost chalky aftertaste, so I avoided using it as a creamer in coffee or as a base in chia pudding.

Instead, I enjoy using pea milk in my favorite smoothies and baking, where the flavor isn’t front and center. 

Oat Milk Hybrids  - a New Consideration

If you’re looking for an oat milk substitute but don’t want to give up some of the benefits of oat milk, you might consider an oat milk hybrid.

This can help introduce you to different types of alternative beverages or make a slow transition away from oat milk while still offering some of what you love about the drink. 

There are tons of options you can try, such as:

  • Kiki Milk Chocolate - a blend of hemp seeds, oats, pumpkin seeds, and coconut, with a rich, creamy texture and 5 grams of plant-based protein.
  • Mooala Unsweetened Coconut Oatmilk - an oat milk beverage thickened with coconut cream, which is only 50 calories and has zero added sugars. 
  • Myracle Kitchen Whole Mylk - another blend of oats, cashews, coconut cream, and hemp that gives you a creamy, thick drink with only 36 calories and 3.9 grams of carbs.
  • Silk Nextmilk Reduced Fat - a plant-based milk made of oat milk, coconut milk, and soy protein that provides 4 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. 
  • Califia Farms Oat + Almond Plantmilk Blend - a blend of two of the most popular alternative beverages -oat and almond milk - this drink is only 60 calories and is ideal for all culinary uses.

How to Choose The Best Oat Milk Substitute

When swapping out your oat milk for another plant-based option, it’s useful to think about why you’re switching.

This can help guide your search for the ideal replacement so you end up with a plant milk product that meets your needs. 

I’ve found that the following considerations have helped me when browsing oat milk replacement options: 

Celiac Disease or Gluten Sensitivity 

Are you switching from oat milk due to an issue with gluten?

While some oat milk is certified gluten-free, you may be looking for an alternative that is less likely to come into contact with what products during processing.

In this case, you’d probably want to go with almond, cashew, or coconut milk. 

Low Carb Needs 

Are you on a ketogenic diet or have Type 1 or 2 diabetes?

While you could still feasibly fit oat milk into a low-carb diet, it isn’t the best option.

Most brands have around 16 grams of carbs, while other plant milk has under 5 grams. Subbing out your oat milk for low-carb options like almond or coconut is better. 

Weight Management 

Although there’s something to be said for fiber aiding in weight management, oat milk only has about 2 grams per serving.

Since most oat milk ranges from 90 to 130 calories per serving and has more added sugars (due to natural maltose in the oats), it’s not the best for weight management. 

Choosing a lower-calorie milk like a hybrid blend, almond, or cashew can help you maintain your calorie intake for better weight management.  

Find Your Perfect Oat Milk Substitute With Milk Pick

You’re in luck if you’re looking to sub out your oat milk for a different plant-based beverage.

Now, more than ever, we have access to hundreds of products, from classic choices like soy, rice, and almond to protein-rich hemp, pea milk, and hybrid drinks. 

If oat milk isn’t working for you because you don’t like it, it has too many sugars, or you want something a bit lower calorie, you can easily find a replacement that works for you. 

Remember, not all plant milks are equal. While you may love substituting your oat milk for a certain brand of almond milk for smoothies, you may find it doesn't perform well as a sub for your morning latte. 

Keep this in mind as you try different options until you find the one that works for you. 

Feel free to use our helpful plant milk database to search for an oat milk replacement that meets your calorie, nutritional, and dietary needs.

About the Author

Jeana Marie is a freelance digital content writer. Her writing focuses on mental health, self-improvement, and healthy living. When she's not writing, Jeana enjoys spending time with her daughters and discovering new coffee and herbal tea flavors.